WTF is this?

The images you see on this blog are output from various Ulam spiral generators I built in Flash, Python and most recently using Arduino. Generally, each dot in an image represents a number with integer 1 at center. In addition to writing algorithms to test each number for primality within a set I have discovered that an infinite number of calculations can be performed to create new designs and animation algorithms. The simplicity and speed of these algorithms make them an ideal fit for embedded systems graphics, scientific, mathematical and artistic explorations.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spiral Video Series

Using smplayer/mencoder to convert PNG output to video. Formula and other control info is automatically inserted into the beginning of the video. This set is using a 2x2 pixel plotted out using the Ulam spiral "RULD" method. Pixel is black or red if the pixel number (pInt) passes the following test (e.g.): if round(((pInt)*pi)*pow(sqrt(pInt)/pi+(_multiplier/9), (1.2)) )%2==0: Iterating the value of _multiplier (or any other variable), we generate a new PNG file when the _range value is met. Stitching these images together into a video reveals motion within the overall pattern. For example, incrementing _multiplier very slightly for each image creates less disruption from one image to the next. Frame rate varies, generally within 2 to 15 FPS. Too bad blogger is overcompressing these, they are quite nice before they hit the FLV codec. C'est la vie.

Here's one of the first videos I cobbled together, a very quick prototype...

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